Category: Analytical Tools


Bowman’s Strategy Clock

Bowman’s Strategy Clock is an adaptation of Porter’s generic strategies that offers a more nuanced and detailed framework for developing competitive strategies. It was developed by Cliff Bowman, a British strategy expert, and is...


Porter’s Generic Strategies

Porter’s generic strategy is a framework developed by Michael Porter that describes three basic strategies that a business can adopt to achieve and sustain competitive advantage. These strategies are based on a company’s relative...

SWOT Analysis 0

SWOT Analysis

Concept: SWOT is a conceptual framework for a systematic analysis that helps organize the external threats and opportunities with the internal weaknesses and strengths of the organization. SWOT analysis is the simplest way to...


Value Chain Analysis

Value chain analysis was first introduced by Michael Porter in his book “Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance” in 1985. Porter is a renowned scholar and strategist who has made significant contributions to...

VRIN Analysis 0

VRIN Analysis

VRIN analysis is a framework for evaluating the strategic resources and capabilities of a business to determine whether they provide a sustained competitive advantage. VRIN stands for Valuable, Rare, Inimitable, and Non-substitutable. Valuable: Resources...


Ansoff’s Product-Market Matrix

The Ansoff Matrix is a strategic planning tool developed by Igor Ansoff, a Russian-American mathematician and business theorist. The matrix is designed to help businesses identify new growth opportunities by analyzing four strategic options....