Category: Strategy

Dangers in Goal Setting 0

Dangers in Goal Setting

Goals should strike a balance between being specific and challenging enough to motivate and focus people’s attention, while also allowing for flexibility and considering other important issues related to the goal. Here are some...

Strategic Leadership 0

Strategic Leadership

Strategic leadership is the process of setting and executing a vision for an organization. Strategic leaders are responsible for identifying and achieving the organization’s goals and objectives by aligning the organization’s resources, capabilities, and...


Leadership: Trait Theory

Leadership is the ability to inspire and influence others towards a common goal or vision. At its core, leadership involves using one’s personal qualities, skills, and knowledge to guide and motivate others in pursuit...


The Balanced Scorecard

A Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a strategic management tool that helps organizations to measure and monitor their performance across multiple perspectives or dimensions. It was developed by Drs. Robert Kaplan and David Norton in...

The Role of Strategic Planning 0

The Role of Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a vital tool for organizations to define their long-term direction and establish a roadmap for achieving their goals. The main role of strategic planning is to provide a structured approach to...


Strategic Drift

Strategic drift is the tendency for strategies to develop incrementally on the basis of historical and cultural influences but fails to keep pace with a changing environment. According to Whittington, strategic drift occurs when...