Category: Labour Market

Nepal Legislation Labor Act 2074 0

Nepal Legislation Labor Act 2074

The Labor Act of Nepal, 2048, has been replaced with the new Labor Act, 2074. The Nepal Labor Act is the primary law governing labor relations and employment in Nepal. It outlines the rights...

Social Identity Theory (SIT) 0

Social Identity Theory (SIT)

Social Identity Theory is a theory developed by social psychologists to explain why people may engage in discrimination against others who are not part of their social group. According to this theory, people have...

Discrimination vs Prejudice 0

Discrimination vs Prejudice

Discrimination and prejudice are often used interchangeably, but they actually have different meanings. Prejudice refers to preconceived opinions or attitudes about a person or group, often based on stereotypes or incomplete information. Prejudice can...

Recruitment Channel 0

Recruitment Channel

Recruitment channel refers to the different methods and sources used by organizations to attract and identify potential candidates for their open job positions. There are various recruitment channels available, ranging from traditional advertising to...

Concept of HR Demand & Supply 0

Concept of HR Demand & Supply

HR Planning for ‘future’ external and internal HR supply and demand in organizations. The external labour market could be local, national, or international Skill levels. Internal HR Demand & Supply Internal HR supply Internal...