Category: HRM

Motivation and Rewards 0

Motivation and Rewards

Concept of Motivation Motivation refers to the psychological processes that activate, direct, and sustain goal-directed behavior. In other words, it’s the internal or external factors that drive individuals to engage in certain behaviors, sustain...

Financial Benefit 0

Financial Benefit

Financial benefits refer to the various monetary rewards or incentives that employers offer to employees as part of their overall compensation package. Financial benefits can include a wide range of options, such as base...

Share Ownership Schemes 0

Share Ownership Schemes

Share ownership schemes are a type of non-pay financial benefit offered by employers, in which employees are given the opportunity to purchase shares in the company or are given shares as part of their...

Types of Pension Schemes 1

Types of Pension Schemes

Pension schemes are a type of non-pay financial benefit offered by employers to help employees save for retirement. These schemes may be funded by the employer, the employee, or a combination of both. The...

Non-Pay Financial Benefit 1

Non-Pay Financial Benefit

Non-pay financial benefits refer to the benefits that an employer may offer to employees, in addition to their regular salary or wages. These benefits can help to enhance the total compensation package of an...

Cafeteria Approach to Rewards Management 0

Cafeteria Approach to Rewards Management

The cafeteria approach to rewards management is a compensation strategy that allows employees to choose their own rewards based on their individual needs and preferences. This approach recognizes that employees have different needs and...

Performance and Rewards 0

Performance and Rewards

Performance and rewards are two important concepts in the management of organizations. Performance refers to an employee’s ability to effectively carry out their job duties and achieve desired outcomes, while rewards refer to the...