Social Identity Theory (SIT)

Social Identity Theory is a theory developed by social psychologists to explain why people may engage in discrimination against others who are not part of their social group. According to this theory, people have a need to categorize themselves and others into social groups in order to define their self-concept and gain a sense of belonging and self-esteem.

When people identify with a particular social group, they may feel a sense of loyalty and attachment to that group, and a desire to enhance the status and power of their group. This can lead to the creation of an “us vs. them” mentality, where people view members of their own group as superior to members of other groups.

This mentality can then lead to discrimination, as people may feel that it is justified to treat members of other groups unfairly in order to protect and promote their own group. Discrimination can take many forms, such as exclusion, marginalization, and even violence.

In summary, Social Identity Theory suggests that discrimination occurs because of a need to establish a positive social identity and a sense of belonging to a particular group, which can lead to the devaluation and mistreatment of members of other groups.

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