Category: Business


Nature of Management

Concept of Management Throughout human civilization, the concept of management has evolved in response to the changing needs of societies and organizations. In ancient civilizations, management principles were informally practiced in tasks such as...

Labour Market Context – Challenges for Business 0

Labour Market Context – Challenges for Business

The labor market context can present a range of challenges for organizations, including: Overall, the labor market context presents a range of challenges for organizations, and those that are able to adapt to changing...


Priorities of Business: Profit & Responsibilities

From a stakeholder’s perspective, responsibility is often seen as more important than profit, while from a shareholder’s perspective, profit is the primary goal. Here are some arguments for each perspective: Stakeholder perspective: Shareholder perspective:...


Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a business practice that involves companies taking responsibility for their social, environmental, and economic impacts on society. It is a voluntary initiative that goes beyond legal and regulatory requirements...


Key Success Factors of Business

There are several key factors that contribute to competitive success in business, including: Overall, these key factors for competitive success are interrelated and can be used to develop a holistic strategy for competing effectively...

Competitor Analysis – Benchmarking 0

Competitor Analysis – Benchmarking

Competitor analysis is the process of identifying and evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of competitors and understanding their strategies, goals, and market positioning. Competitor analysis is an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of...


Strategic Group Analysis

Strategic groups are organizations within an industry or sector with similar strategic characteristics, following similar strategies or competing on similar bases. Companies within a strategic group compete with each other directly because they offer...


Strategy Planning Process

The strategy planning process is a systematic approach that organizations use to develop and implement effective strategies to achieve their goals and objectives. This process typically involves three key stages: analysis, planning, and action....


Competitors Strategies

Attack Strategies: An attack strategy in business refers to a plan or a set of tactics that a company uses to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals. This can involve aggressive marketing tactics,...


PESTLE Analysis

The Factors in PESTLE Analysis PESTLE analysis is a framework used to assess and analyze the external factors that can impact an organization or business. It is an acronym that stands for Political, Economic,...