Procedure of Obtaining DBS Check

The procedure for obtaining a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check in the UK involves the following steps:

  1. Employer or Organization Request: The process usually starts with your potential employer or the organization you are volunteering for. They will determine if the role you are applying for requires a DBS check.
  2. Obtain the Application Form: Your employer or the organization will provide you with the appropriate DBS application form based on the level of check required
  3. Complete the Application Form: Fill in all the required information on the application form accurately and honestly.
  4. Verify Your Identity: You will need to provide specific identity documents to prove your identity. The documents required will be listed on the application form.
  5. Submit the Application Form: Hand in the completed application form along with the required identity documents to your employer or the organization. They will forward the application to the DBS or use an online system to apply.
  6. DBS Check Process: The DBS will process your application. For Standard and Enhanced checks, they will check your criminal record against the Police National Computer (PNC) and may also check local police records relevant to the role.
  7. Receive the Certificate: Once the DBS check is complete, you will receive a certificate with the result. The certificate will be sent to you, but it will also include a copy for your employer or the organization that requested the check.

To stay up-to-date with the latest information and procedures for DBS checks in the UK, I recommend visiting the official government website for the Disclosure and Barring Service:

Official DBS Website:

Always ensure you use official government sources when seeking information or applying for DBS checks to avoid any potential scams or fraudulent services.

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